Haoran Hao


School of Artificial Intelligence
Nanjing University

Email: 211300036@smail.nju.edu.cn
Github: Haoran Hao 

About Me

I am an undergraduate student at School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University. I am also a member of LAMDA Group led by Prof. Zhihua Zhou, where I am fortunate to work with Prof. Yufeng Li, Ph.D. student Jiejing Shao and Xiaowen Yang.
Currently, I work as a research intern at MMLab@The Chinese University of Hong Kong with Prof. Xiangyu Yue and Ph.D. student Jiaming Han.

Research Interest

My research interests mainly include Machine Learning, Multimodal Machine Learning, Neuro-Symbolic Learning. I am keen on building Intelligent System with capabilities across multiple dimensions.

  • Multimodal Machine Learning: Bradging the gap of different modalities, especially in vision and language.
  • Neuro-Symbolc AI: Developing intelligent system with perception, reasoning, and action capabilities.


  • [2024.6] I'm glad to participate in LAMDA & RIKEN-AIP Joint Workshop on Machine Learning.
  • [2024.5] Give an oral presentation at Robust Machine Learning in Open Environments Workshop at PAKDD 2024.



Research Intern at MMLab
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
March 2024 - Present
B.Eng. in Artificial Intelligence
Nanjing University
2021 - Present, Average Score(Overall): 92.0/100

Honors & Awards

  • PAKDD RobustML Workshop Best Paper Award, 2024
  • National Scholarship, 2023
  • Scholarship at Nanjing University, 2022, 2023
  • Scholarship of School of Artificial Intelligence, 2023
  • Outstanding Student of Nanjing University
  • Outstanding Freshman of Nanjing University